Allowed to - 해도 된다
Allowed to - 해도 된다 Informal Form Informal are allowed to were allowed to Written 해도 된다 해도 됐었다 Spoken 해도 돼 해도 됐었어 Info...
This Blog was created to provide quality and free Korean Language Training!
Allowed to - 해도 된다 Informal Form Informal are allowed to were allowed to Written 해도 된다 해도 됐었다 Spoken 해도 돼 해도 됐었어 Info...
Advanced Grammar Comparatives & Superlatives Comparatives [~보다] ~ 보다 is used to compare two persons or things. The person/th...
Pronouns (I, You) - 나, 저, 너, 당신 In this lesson, we are going to learn about pronouns, especially, "I and You," then "H...
Announcement of Test Venue (Date & Time) and Notice of the 1st EPS-TOPIK in Philippines - 2017 1. Test Date: March 25 (Sat) ~ 2...